EPJ plus

Dear participants to the inArt 2018 conference,

starting from now it is possible to submit a manuscript to be evaluated for the publication in the focus point issue of European Physical Journal Plus (EPJ plus), that is dedicated to the conference.

Therefore, manuscripts should be submitted by mail to Danilo Bersani (danilo.bersani@unipr.it) BEFORE June 30th. This should be in a single standard Word file, with figures and tables on separate pages at the end of the paper.

The submitted manuscripts will receive a first evaluation, in order to see if they fit into the scope of the focus point issue. Therefore, the papers should have a relevant scientific content suitable for publication in European Physical Journal Plus, even if they focus to innovations in art research and technology. To be eligible for further processing, the papers should be strictly related to the works presented during inArt 2018 conference. In case of positive evaluation, after June 30th, authors will receive an invitation from the editorial system of EPJ Plus to submit the paper, which will then undergo standard peer-to-peer review. The instructions for the final submission are available at the following link (https://www.epj.org/images/stories/instructions/instructions_epjplus.pdf).

Depending on the number of received manuscripts, the possibility to print an additional proceedings volume (including the non-selected papers) will be evaluated.


The Guest Editors

Danilo Bersani, Peter Vandenabeele, Ludovic Bellot-Gurlet